Amari 1890

Values and history
in 130 years of Quaglia


Values and history

in 130 years of Quaglia

1890 is history

Herbal liqueurs

The Amari 1890 collection is a tribute to our 130 years. It comes from a recipe of the last century that brings the Quaglia family tradition to the present day. An exclusive blend of herbs, roots, fruits, flowers and spices that we carefully select and work with care. We bottle values and history and we let you taste them in all the nuances that their complex traditionality proposes.

The Amari tradition

The Quaglia family recipe provides an exclusive blend of herbs, roots, fruits, flowers, citrus peel and spices, masterfully selected to create these two classy elixirs. Warm and citrusy or fresh and balsamic. These are the shades of our typically Italian handcrafted herbal liqueurs collection.


The herbal bitters of the 1890 collection are the ideal closure for a great meal. But if you love revisiting the classics giving them unique and original shades, you should try the amaro Classico combined with Rye whiskey to give a touch of complexity to your Manhattan.


  • 26.00

    Una brillante base agrumata accompagnata da spezie candite, note di vaniglia, erbe mediterranee e sentori di noce moscata e assenzio. I differenti livelli di amarezza donati dalla dolcezza fine e dal finale lungo e delicato creano a questo amaro una complessità unica e inimitabile. Da gustare liscia o in abbinamento […]

  • 26.00

    Distintivo per le balsamiche note di menta iniziali e delicatamente dolce, profondo e speziato è perfettamente equilibrato grazie alle sfumature amare. Al palato, una miscela rotonda di rabarbaro e cacao conduce a note persistenti e più fresche di menta piperita. Come digestivo, questo amaro è il migliore servito da solo.
